One of the best ways that you can leave a legacy of compassion and create effective change for years to come is to leave a gift to Foundation Amici Cannis. Making an enduring gift to us through a will, trust or other plan, will allow us to continue to support the animals who are dependent on our programs and services for many years to come. Please contact us if you would like more information on this program at
To include Amici Cannis in will you will need our address and charity registration number. Please see below for the details, including Amici Cannis' recommended free will writing service for your country. If your country is not listed below, please use the details of the country located nearest to you, or you can use Amici Cannis USA information.
United States
Amici Cannis USA
EIN/Tax ID: 47-5463065
Address: 1008 Centre Ave., Fort Collins, CO, USA 80525-2089
Recommended service: Law Depot
Amici Cannis Fundacion
RUC: 1091788469001
Address: Calle Sin Nombre o Numéro y Tarqui, Diagonal de los Bomberos, Paroque San Francisco, Cotacachi, Imbabura, Ecuador, 10350
Contact your local Ecuador attorney
If you already have a will, you can simply make an amendment known as a codicil, to include Amici Cannis as a beneficiary. Please ask your legal advisor for more information.
Yes please. Simply let us know by emailing
+1 970 305 4923
1008 Centre Avenue, Fort Collins, CO 80526
Copyright ©2010-2023 Amici Cannis USA. All Rights Reserved. Designed and Managed by WOWSuccessTeam. Photography by Mary Hellman.