There are 24 indigenous villages surrounding Cotacachi within a 10 km radius. Many of these families make below the minimum salary of $450 per month and are living with very scarce resources. Their income provides for basic human needs, making veterinary care an unaffordable luxury. The indigenous villages rely on their pets for the security of their homes as well as to protect their farm animals and develop significant bonds with these animals that are very different from the human-animal bond associated with our companion pets.
With no government funding, Foundation Amici Cannis operates solely on donations from compassionate animal lovers around the world. We pride ourselves on the efficient use of funds so that the maximum number of animals can be helped. As a Foundation Project supporter, you will receive recognition in our Foundation Annual Report as well as a unique handmade gift from Ecuador.
+1 970 305 4923
1008 Centre Avenue, Fort Collins, CO 80526
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