What inspired you to volunteer with the Amici Cannis team?
I had visited Ecuador twice before and was both saddened and intrigued by the number of street dogs I encountered in the cities I visited. Working at an animal shelter in California, these dogs naturally piqued my interest. I wanted to offer my skills and, at the same time, learn how to better the lives of these dogs. After an extensive internet search, I stumbled across Amici Cannis, an established organization making a significant impact on the street dog and cat population, as well as their health, in Cotacachi. The more I learned about this organization, the more excited I became. They were doing the work I had hoped existed in Ecuador.
What was a typical day like while visiting Indigenous families door-to-door?
Wow, is the word I would use. It was such a fulfilling experience. Depending on what we had in the agenda for the day we would load the van with crates to transport dogs and cats for their spay/neuter appointments, or with supplies to vaccinate and deworm animals in the villages.
Next came the daunting trek to reach the communities. Sometimes the roads were impassable, so we had to walk to the homes we wanted to visit. The staff spoke to these families with dignity and respect, and overall, Amici Cannis was greeted with gratitude.
The children were especially curious and intrigued by what we were doing. Some asked questions, eager to learn how to take better care of their pets. These encounters, along with the Be Kind education program that Amici Cannis has implemented in schools, change how the next generation treats animals.
In what ways do you feel your efforts made a difference in the lives of the animals and their guardians?
I remember visiting one house in particular where the family had a menagerie of animals, including many dogs and cats. When we explained to the woman that Amici Cannis could spay and neuter her pets, the relief on her face was immediate. She expressed her gratitude, saying she couldn't afford to feed more animals and was so thankful for the help.
These experiences showed me firsthand how Amici Cannis' efforts made a significant difference in the lives of the animals and their guardians. The gratitude and relief from the families, coupled with the improved health and well-being of the animals, reinforced the importance and impact of their work.
+1 970 305 4923
1008 Centre Avenue, Fort Collins, CO 80526
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