Tigre was a homeless kitten that was just a few weeks old and roaming the downtown streets of Cotacachi. One morning, a volunteer from Amici Cannis was taking a walk and heard loud ‘meow’ cries coming from the street. The volunteer stopped and looked down to see a tiny kitten standing on the sidewalk looking like she oversaw the world! She snapped a quick photo of this adorable little ‘tiger’ cat and, before she knew it, the kitten walked right up to her begging for love. The volunteer picked her up and walked her over to Amici Cannis Hospital to surrender her to their care. She knew this little kitten didn’t have a chance of surviving on the busy downtown streets of Cotacachi. This newly named kitten, “Tigre" somehow knew it was her lucky day!
Thanks to the Amici Cannis Sterilization program of street animals, Tigre was sterilized, treated for fleas, and received vaccinations. Over the next 3 days, the volunteer continued to visit the hospital to check on tiny Tigre. She would spend time sitting on the clinic floor while Tigra smothered her with her sweet charm and loving personality.
Fast forward years later, Tigre is still smothering the same volunteer with her charm and loving personality. Yes, that early morning years ago, Tigra found her forever home as the volunteer fell in love with the little kitten that she named Tigre.
Sponsoring a dog or cat means that your donation will go towards Amici Cannis' efforts helping the neglected and abused dogs and cats of Ecuador. Your gift of sponsorship is used to help your sponsored dog or cat and all of the other animals Amici Cannis care for to provide food, medicine and veterinary care.
Sponsoring a dog or cat means that your donation will go towards Amici Cannis' efforts helping the neglected and abused dogs and cats of Ecuador. Your gift of sponsorship is used to help your sponsored dog or cat and all of the other animals Amici Cannis care for to provide food, medicine and veterinary care.
Sponsoring a dog or cat means that your donation will go towards Amici Cannis' efforts helping the neglected and abused dogs and cats of Ecuador. Your gift of sponsorship is used to help your sponsored dog or cat and all of the other animals Amici Cannis care for to provide food, medicine and veterinary care.
+1 970 305 4923
1008 Centre Avenue, Fort Collins, CO 80526
Copyright ©2010-2023 Amici Cannis USA. All Rights Reserved. Designed and Managed by WOWSuccessTeam. Photography by Mary Hellman.